Yesterday, Nokia started rolling out an OTA update for Nokia 2.4 users which brings Android 11OS. They didn’t provide any changelog so we don’t exactly what else it comes with but we you can expect all the goodies that come with android 11 OS like one-time permissions, chat bubbles etc.

Nokia is rolling out this update in waves in these following countries :

  1. Algeria
  2. Bahrain
  3. Cambodia
  4. Denmark
  5. Egypt
  6. Estonia
  7. Finland
  8. Hong Kong
  9. Iceland
  10. India
  11. Iran
  12. Iraq
  13. Jordan
  14. Kuwait
  15. Laos
  16. Latvia
  17. Lebanon
  18. Libya
  19. Lithuania
  20. Macau
  21. Malaysia
  22. Morocco
  23. Nepal
  24. Norway
  25. Oman
  26. Philippines
  27. Qatar
  28. Saudi Arabia
  29. Sri Lanka
  30. Sweden
  31. Tunisia
  32. UAE
  33. USA
  34. Vietnam
  35. Yemen

According to them 50 percent of Nokia 2.4 users of these countries will receive this update by the end of this day and rest will get by the end of tomorrow.

By shivam